Jesuit Mission

Alumni Service Corps

The Alumni Service Corps (ASC) is a 10-month volunteer program for St. Joseph's Preparatory School alums who have recently graduated from college. Alums work in a variety of different jobs at the Prep and are assigned responsibilities in co-curriculars, sports, clubs, retreats, and service projects. In return for this work, ASC members live in community together and receive housing and a stipend for food and other expenses.
The Emmaus Teaching Fellowship (ETF) is in its first year of the Prep. It was designed specifically for alumni who, upon finishing their time as ASCs, continue to discern a vocation in teaching. ETFs teach four classes in a specific department and take on at least one other major responsibility directly linked to the school's mission. They live in community alongside the ASCs and serve as mentors and role models for them.
    • (Left to right) Jack Clinton, Scott Hibbs, Riley Burns, Steve Dierkes

Riley Burns '18
As an ASC, Riley taught two sections of English I and shared his talents in working with Admissions, Mission & Ministry, and Learning Services. Although he has contributed to Prep life in many ways outside the school day, he is most famous for being the coach of the (almost) undefeated Freshman Basketball Team. Riley is now working full-time in the English Department.

Stephen Dierkes '18
As an ASC, Stephen taught one section of Latin I and shared his talents in working with Liturgical Ensemble, Mission & Ministry, and Learning Services. He has contributed to Prep life outside the school day in many ways: particularly as a coach of the Swimming Team and coordinator of Stage Crew for the Cape & Sword Drama Society. Stephen is working in the Classics Department and will teach and direct the Liturgical Ensemble.
Jack Clinton '18
Jack, a native of Havertown, graduated from Temple University with a major in communications. He will work with Admissions, Mission & Ministry, DEI, and Learning Services.

Scott Hibbs '19
Scott is from Drexel Hill and graduated from Fordham University with a major in Political Science and a minor in Business Administration. He will work with the History Department, Mission & Ministry, and Learning Services.
A Brief History of the ASC
The Alumni Service Corps (ASC) at St. Joseph's Prep was established in 1994 under the guidance of President Rev. David Sauter, SJ and Director of Campus Ministry, Rev. Joseph Michini, SJ. Both priests fondly remembered a time when Jesuit schools had many young Jesuit scholastics. These scholastics lived in community, taught, coached, led retreats, moderated activities, worked in various offices, and contributed their youthful energy and enthusiasm to all aspects of the Prep. The decline in priestly vocations in the 70s, 80s, and 90s inevitably resulted in an absence of Jesuit scholastics.
The ASC was founded specifically for Prep alumni in order to help restore that youthful energy and enthusiasm formerly contributed by the scholastics. Now in its 29th year, the program has been very successful in serving the Prep community and in nurturing young alumni in their continued pursuit of being "men for and with others." It has served as a bridge between undergraduate studies and all the opportunities and challenges of the world beyond.
ASC members have served the Prep by teaching in all departments, working in every office, coaching/moderating countless activities, and leading Kairos and other retreats. At the end of their ASC year, most members enter graduate programs or begin their profession. Many ASCs have remained in education with several working at 17th & Girard.

List of 6 items.

For more information, contact Mr. Daniel Ranalli '00.